
Showing posts with the label Advantages & Disadvantages of machine learning

Graphic design python turtle 🐢

from turtle import * import colorsys bgcolor('black') pensize(0) tracer(50) h=0 for i in range(300): c=colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h,1,1) h+=0.9 color(c) forward(300) left(100) fd(i) goto(0,0) down() rt(90) begin_fill() circle(0) end_fill() rt(10) for j in range(5): rt(30) done() Please follow my blog and subscribe my channel for more videos and newly updates 👍👍👍👍👍 import turtle as t import colorsys t.bgcolor('black') t.tracer(100) h=0.4 def draw(ang,n):,60) t.left(ang),60) for i in range(200): c=colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h,1,1) h+=0.005 t.color(c) t.pensize(2) draw(90,i*2) draw(120,i*2.5) draw()

Advantages and Disadvantages of machine learning

Advantages of machine learning The advantages of machine learning are as follows-        Accurate       Automated       Fast       Customizable        Scalable   1)       Accurate: - Machine learning uses data to discover the optimal decision making engine for your problem. As you collect more data, the accuracy can increase automatically. 2)        Automated: - as answers are validated or discarded, the machine learning model can learn new patterns automatically. This allows users to embed machine learning directly into an automated workflow. 3)        Fast: - Machine learning can generate answers in a matter of milliseconds as new data streams in, allowing systems to react in real time. 4)       Customizable: - Many data-driven problems can be addressed with machine learning. Machine learning models are custom built from your own data, and can be configured to optimize whatever metric drives your business. 5)       Scalable:- As your business grows, machine learn