
Showing posts with the label Write the short note of booting

Graphic design python turtle 🐢

from turtle import * import colorsys bgcolor('black') pensize(0) tracer(50) h=0 for i in range(300): c=colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h,1,1) h+=0.9 color(c) forward(300) left(100) fd(i) goto(0,0) down() rt(90) begin_fill() circle(0) end_fill() rt(10) for j in range(5): rt(30) done() Please follow my blog and subscribe my channel for more videos and newly updates 👍👍👍👍👍 import turtle as t import colorsys t.bgcolor('black') t.tracer(100) h=0.4 def draw(ang,n):,60) t.left(ang),60) for i in range(200): c=colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h,1,1) h+=0.005 t.color(c) t.pensize(2) draw(90,i*2) draw(120,i*2.5) draw()

booting, spooling and Buffering

Booting Process : - Whenever a computer system is "cold started", say, after being powered or following a system crash, at least a portion of the operating system must be brought into main memory and given control of the processor. This activity is known as system booting or bootstrapping of an operating system. Typically, the hardware initially transfers control to a known address where a starting routine in ROM is placed. This routine is called the bootstrap loader . It can be used to bring the rest of the system gradually to main memory, for instance, from secondary memory or from another node in a distributed system. In disk-based systems, the core portion of the operating system is often placed at a known address, called the boot block or boot area of a known system disk drive. Thus, the bootstrap loader routine can include a rudimentary from of a disk driver whose primary function is to load and to activate the initialization section of the operating system. This ...