
Showing posts with the label Zoho hiring

Graphic design python turtle 🐢

from turtle import * import colorsys bgcolor('black') pensize(0) tracer(50) h=0 for i in range(300): c=colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h,1,1) h+=0.9 color(c) forward(300) left(100) fd(i) goto(0,0) down() rt(90) begin_fill() circle(0) end_fill() rt(10) for j in range(5): rt(30) done() Please follow my blog and subscribe my channel for more videos and newly updates 👍👍👍👍👍 import turtle as t import colorsys t.bgcolor('black') t.tracer(100) h=0.4 def draw(ang,n):,60) t.left(ang),60) for i in range(200): c=colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h,1,1) h+=0.005 t.color(c) t.pensize(2) draw(90,i*2) draw(120,i*2.5) draw()

Zoho hiring 2022 batch

 Zoho hiring freshers 2022 batch Zoho - Software Developer Job Description:  ●  Develop, test and implement new software programs. ●  Write clean and efficient code. ●  Prototype and develop scalable and reliable mobile applications ●  Troubleshoot, debug and maintain the existing software programs. ●  Monitor the quality, performance and usage of the developed functionalities in the applications. ●  Work closely with other developers, designers and support representatives to manage and enhance the applications. Role                                    :  Software Developer Test Date                          :  20-February-2022 Test Time                          :  10 AM Year of Graduation        ...