Graphic design python turtle 🐢

from turtle import * import colorsys bgcolor('black') pensize(0) tracer(50) h=0 for i in range(300): c=colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h,1,1) h+=0.9 color(c) forward(300) left(100) fd(i) goto(0,0) down() rt(90) begin_fill() circle(0) end_fill() rt(10) for j in range(5): rt(30) done() Please follow my blog and subscribe my channel for more videos and newly updates 👍👍👍👍👍 import turtle as t import colorsys t.bgcolor('black') t.tracer(100) h=0.4 def draw(ang,n):,60) t.left(ang),60) for i in range(200): c=colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h,1,1) h+=0.005 t.color(c) t.pensize(2) draw(90,i*2) draw(120,i*2.5) draw()

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Request and Response Methods

HTTP Request and Response Methods:-
  •  The operation of Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP) involves the communication between a Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP) client application (Usually web browser) and a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Server application (Web server like IIS).
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) uses Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) as the Transport Layer Protocol at well known port number 80.
  • Once the TCP connection is established, the two step in Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) communication are -

1. HTTP Client Request :- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client sends an Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Request to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) sever acooding to the HTTP standard, specifying the information the client like to retrieve from the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server.

2. HTTP Server Response:- Once the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Request arrived at the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server, it will process the request and creates an Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Response message. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) response message may contain the resource the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client requested or information why the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request failed.


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