Graphic design python turtle 🐢

from turtle import * import colorsys bgcolor('black') pensize(0) tracer(50) h=0 for i in range(300): c=colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h,1,1) h+=0.9 color(c) forward(300) left(100) fd(i) goto(0,0) down() rt(90) begin_fill() circle(0) end_fill() rt(10) for j in range(5): rt(30) done() Please follow my blog and subscribe my channel for more videos and newly updates 👍👍👍👍👍 import turtle as t import colorsys t.bgcolor('black') t.tracer(100) h=0.4 def draw(ang,n):,60) t.left(ang),60) for i in range(200): c=colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h,1,1) h+=0.005 t.color(c) t.pensize(2) draw(90,i*2) draw(120,i*2.5) draw()

Main functions of an Operating System/purposes of an operating system.

What are the two main functions of an Operating System ?

What are the main functions of an Operating System ?

Explain the functions of operating system.

An Operating System perform two basically unrelated functions, extending the machine and managing resources-

1) The Operating System as an Extended Machine- The function of the operating system is to present the user with the equivalent of an extended machine or virtual machine that is easier to program than the underlying hardware.

2) The Operating System as a Resource Manager- Internally an operating system acts as a manager of resources of the computer system such as processor, memory, files, and I/O devices. In this role, the operating system keeps track of the status of each resource, and decides who gets a resource, for how long, and when. In systems that support concurrent execution of programs, the operating system resolves conflicting requests for resources in a manner that preserve system integrity, and in so doing attempts to optimize the resulting performance.

What are the three main purposes of an Operating System ?

The main purpose of an Operating System are as follows-

1) To provide of an Operating System for a computer user to execute programs on computer hardware in a convenient and efficient manner.

2) To allocate the separate resources of the computer as needed to solve the problem given.

3) As a control program it serves two major functions-

a) Supervision of the execution of user program to prevent errors and improper use of the computer and

b) Management of the operating and control of I/O devices.


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